Who is Auli?
I am a 38 years old drama coach from Lahti, Finland, working with unemployed youngsters age between 17-29. We do drama and culture projects and main goal for the youngsters is to find out the way to their dreams. I’ve studied as a drama instructor in a university of applied sciences. I love theatre because it connects all the art you can think of. I’m very much interested in communication and people and how they “work” when they communicate and take part in things. Also, what happens in our society and all over the world is very interesting.
I am a mother of two nice kids (age 8 and 10) and we live in a nice neighbourhood in Lahti with two cats. That’s the reason my hobbies are quite much driving kids to their hobbies. But audio books and music and walking in the nature are my friends while kids are playing soccer or are in the scouts.
Finnish National Agency contacted us to take part to find out how to present Europe’s Youth strategy in a different way. It was also an important decision how to involve youngsters to take part of that process. The project started with drama workshop in February 2019. I was inspired by the youth strategy and the thought that together in Europe we have similar values. I was curious how they are seen in Finland? And is Europe the same for me and for my youngsters? It was an interesting work to do, something with drama without having drama as a tool in the last version of the work.